CHAITANYA - consciousness, spirit; conscious, alert and awake
CHAKRA - wheel, psychic and energy centre in the body
- AGYA CHAKRA - the chakra located between the eyebrows, Third Eye centre
- ANAHATA CHAKRA - heart centre, also called hridaya kamal
- BINDU CHAKRA - the centre in the vertex region
- DEVIK CHAKRAS - the divine chakras, from the upper end of the spine to the crown
- MANIPURA CHAKRA - navel centre, also called nabhi kamal
- MULADHARA CHAKRA - root chakra, the centre in the root of the spinal column, also called mul kamal
- PASHU CHAKRAS - the animal chakras, in human extend from toes to pelvis
- SAHASRARA CHAKRA - the crown chakra, also called brahmarandhra
- SVADHISHTHANA CHAKRA - centre in the sexual organs region
- VIRA CHAKRAS - the human chakras, along the spinal column
- VISHUDDHI CHAKRA - laryngeal centre, also called kanth kamal
CHANDRA - the moon
- CHANDRA NAMASKAR - salutation to the moon, an asana
CHAR - "that which is moving", a living being
- JAL CHAR - creatures that live in the water
- NABH CHAR - creatures that fly and live in the air
- THAL CHAR - creatures that live on or in the earth
CHELA - pupil, disciple
CHETAN - alive, living; conscious witness of all deeds and states
CHIDAKASHA - the space of consciousness, the mental screen; (see also "akasha")
- CHIDAKASHA DHARANA - a meditation technique
CHIN MUDRA - the posture of the hands during meditation where the thumb and index finger are together, the other three fingers separated
CHINTAN - to reflect, to consider
- ATMA CHINTAN - reflecting on "Who am I?", meditation on the Self
CHIT - pure consciousness (see also "sat-cit-ananda")
CHITTA - consciousness, the substratum of thinking, mind-stuff
- CHITTA VRITTI - thought wave