NADA - sound, the three stages of sound in the body:
- PARA - in the navel
- PASHYANTI - in the throat
- BAIKHARI - on the lips
NADI - nerves, subtle channels: ida, pingala, sushumna
- IDA - nadi that passes along the left side of the spine, stemming from the left nostril
- PINGALA - nadi that passes along the right side of the spine stemming from the right nostril
- SUSHUMNA - the main nadi in the centre of the spinal column
NADI SODHAN - breath technique for purifying nadis
NAKRA - "the crocodile", make-up, nonreality
NARAKA - hell
NAULI KRIYA - a yoga technique, churning of the abdominal muscles
NETI - a purification technique, rinsing the nose
NIDIDHYASAN - realization through meditation
NIRANJAN - spotless, pure
NIRGUNA - formless, without attribute
NIRGUNA BHAKTI - see bhakti
NIRGUNA MEDITATION - meditation on the Absolute
NIRGUNA MANTRA - divine mantra which leads to the Absolute
NIRODHA - prevention
NIRVIKALPA SAMADHI - the highest stage of samadhi, a state of complete unity with cosmic consciousness, liberation from all desires and karmas
NITYA - everlasting, intransient
NIYAMA - the principles of inner discipline