PARA - the sound in the navel
PARAM - supreme
- PARABHAKTI - the highest stage of devotion
- PARABRAHMA - The Supreme Divine Principle; Brahman
- PARAMAHESHWAR - the Universal Self; Brahman
- PARAMANAND - eternal, the highest bliss
- PARAMATMA - the highest Self
- PARAMHANSA - a quality in the swan symbolising liberated soul; the highest swami title
- PARAMSATYA - the highest truth
- PARAMSHANTI - the highest peace
PARVATI - queen of the mountain Himalaya; the Divine Mother; the aspect of God; divine grace
PASHYANTI - the sound in the throat
PASHU CHAKRAS - animal chakras, in man extend from toes to pelvis
PINGALA - nadi that runs along the right symphathetic connected to the right nostril
PITRALOKA - the world of ancestors
PIYA - the loved one
PRAJAPATI - The Lord of Creatures; another name for Brahman
PRAKRTI - nature
- PRAKRTI SHAKTI - power of creation
PRARABDHA - the current karma; that part of the karmas of previous lives that are active in this lifetime
PRALAYA - total destruction
PRANA - vitality, cosmic energy, life force
- PAN - makes breathing possible
- APAN - regulates exhaling, elimination of urine and feces
- UDAN - sets the muscles of the larynx into motion when you eat
- SAMAN - helps with the digestion and functioning of the system
- VYAN - situated in joints, regulates the movements of all the parts of the body
- NARGH - regulates belching
- KURMH - opening and closing of the eyelids
- DEVDATH - yawning
- KARKLH - sneezing
- DHANANJAYH - regulates formation of bodily gases permeates and invigorates the whole body and stays in the body even after death
PRANAYAMA - breathing technique:
- PURAK - inhaling
- KUMBHAK - holding the breath
- RECHAK - exhaling
PRANAYAM MUDRA - the position of the hands when doing a certain pranayam techniques
PRASHAD - consecrated food
PRATHYARA - withdrawing of the senses from external objects
PREY - "pleasant", the wish for material things, selfish wish
PURAKA - inhaling
PURANAS - the ancient scriptures, mainly written in form of legends
PURNA - full, complete, consummate
PURUSHA - self, atma
- PURUSHARTHA - effort
- PURUSHOTTAMA - "the highest among people", Divine Self