RAJA YOGA - yoga of meditation
1) YAMA - the principles of common morality:
- AHIMSA - the principle of non-violence, the refusal to hurt any living being
- SATYA - truth, love of truth
- ASTEYA - not stealing, honesty
- BRAHMACHARYA - continence, faring according to Brahman, search for Brahman, the Supreme; celibacy
- APARIGRAHA - not accumulating, not collecting unnecessary things
2) NIYAMA - the principles of inner discipline:
- SAUCHA - inner purity
- SANTOSHA - inner contentment
- TAPAS - austerity, ascetism, strict self-control
- SVADYAYA - studying, reading
- ISHWARA PRANIDHANA - devotion to Lord
3) ASANA - posture, position of the body
4) PRANAYAMA - the control of the prana
5) PRATYAHARA - withdrawing the senses from the external object
6) DHARANA - concentration
7) DHYANA - meditation
8) SAMADHI - the highest state of consciousness, where knowledge, knower and the object of knowledge becomes one
RAJAS GUNA - passion, suffering, aggressiveness, restlesness
RAKSHAS - demon, demonic being
RASA - taste, pleasure, nectar
- AMRAS - "fruit juice", enjoyment of food, (A= mango)
- CHAMRAS - the pleasure of sensual enjoyment (CHAM = skin)
- RAMRAS - the divine nectar, enjoying the divine (RAM = The Lord Ram)
RECHAKA - exhaling
RISHI - a sage
RUPA - form, beauty