The first Peace Tree in Mexico City June 8 2012
The 1st world peace tree was planted in Mexico. It was initiated by Ambassador of Peace Vishwa Guru Paramhans Swami Maheshwaranda on the 8th of June, 2012 10:00am. This historical event took place at Peace Square in front of the Pan American University in Mexico City and was planted under the umbrella and support of the government and the Mexican Yoga in Daily Life Association. His Holiness Swami Maheshwarananda spoke that the peace tree stands here for world peace, respect, tolerance and love. The message of India is Peace and the citizens of Mexico stand for peace and protection of the environment. The program included a chanting of a peace prayer in Sanskrit and local representatives thanking his Holiness and participants from around the world. Representatives of the Mexican Yoga in Daily Life Asociation, Mrs. Araceli Garcia Perez and Pushpadevi said the government of Mexico greatly supported this historical event however were unable to attend due to the restrictions instituted during this pre-election time. This was the 55th tree planted by Swami Maheshwarananda on his lifetime mission to promote peace around the world.