UN Peaceday celebration in Salzburg
At 21.9. with beautiful weather and warm temperatures the World Peace Day celebration took place in Hellbrunn Castle in Salzburg, which was jointly organised by Yoga in Daily Life and the Salzburg peace network.
It started with an African drum group, and the guest of honor Mr. R. J. Silverbird, an Apache Indian opened the peace festival with a blessing ceremony. This was followed by a variety of artistic and spiritual performances. For all the world's religions symbols and candles were offered and the flags of all countries were arranged in a mandala. With a two-generations' dance performed by children and seniors a mutual understanding among generations was expressed. Peace addresses of Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda and Ban Ki Moon gave further impetus on reflecting on peace that should be applied daily.
The conclusion formed a dance by St. Francis of Assisi and a sacred circle in which participated the whole audience. Overall, over 200 people took part in this celebration of the UN World Peace Day in Salzburg.