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Scientific Research

Alzheimer´s disease – prevention and therapy

Yoga in daily life and Alzheimer´s disease – prevention and therapy.

Kateřina Sheardová, MD

Head of Memory Center ICRC,

St. Anne´s Teaching Hospital Brno,

Czech Republic




In my neurology practice, I take care of patients with Alzheimer´s disease (AD). I am also involved in a research about causes and risk factors of this insidious disease causing gradual loss of memory. It was shown that a regular physical activity is the most important protective measure, which can slow down the memory decay. Therefore, I recommend to my patients certain exercises from the 1st and 2nd part of Yoga in daily life. The patients’ activities of daily life are disturbed due to their memory and mood disorders. Simple breathing exercise (pranayama) which can be learned during regular visits at the ambulance helps to practice concentration and to overcome psychic tension. This can improve patients´ functioning in their family environment.


The scientific studies have shown that the most important issue for AD prevention is to start with healthy life style in the middle age already. Crucial preventive strategies are healthy diet, regular physical activity as well as training of memory and concentration. There is also growing evidence that spiritual way of life and regular spiritual activities such as meditation or prayer are beneficial for health condition and they also protect memory. Yoga in daily life comprises all of these preventive measures. This comprehensive system of physical and mental exercises offers also principles of healthy nourishment and opportunity for spiritual development. During my lectures for doctors or for general public and also during the consultations with family members of my patients, I share the current knowledge about the prevention of this disease. I offer Yoga in daily life classes as an opportunity how to start effectively with complex quality prevention of AD and other lifestyle diseases.