Starting Position:
Sit with the legs straight
on the neck
coordinated with the movement
each variation 5 times
Sit with the legs straight. Hands rest on the thighs. Place the hands on the floor behind the body with fingertips pointing backwards. The arms remain straight throughout the exercise. The shoulders are relaxed.
Variation A - Bending the Head Sideways:
>Exhaling gently lower the head towards the left shoulder without forcing. >Inhaling raise the head to the centre. >Exhaling gently lower the head towards the right shoulder without forcing. >Inhaling raise the head to the centre.
Variation B - Bending and Stretching:
>Exhaling lower the head gently forward without force until the chin touches the chest. >Inhaling raise the head and gently move it backwards. Look up.
Variation C (without illustration) - Circling the Head:
>Exhaling slowly circle the head to the front across the chest. >Inhaling continue the circling of the head across the back. >Practice the circling movement 5 times and then repeat in the opposite direction.
Relaxation of the neck, throat and shoulders.
If the movement of the head across the back causes pain then the head should only be moved across the chest. If this causes dizziness or if there is a problem in the cervical spine do not practice Variation c.
Asana is included in the following categories:
Asanas and Exercises to Relax the Neck and Throat Muscles