Anahata nada = eternal sound the sound OM
The Anahata Chakra is situated in the centre of the chest, close to the heart. Its Mantra is YAM. The colour of Anahata Chakra is light blue, the colour of the sky. The corresponding element is Air. Air represents freedom and expansion. This means that in this Chakra our consciousness can expand into infinity.
The Anahata Chakra is the seat of the Divine Self (Atma). In the symbolic picture of Anahata Chakra there is a Lotus with twelve petals. These represent the Divine qualities of the heart, such as bliss, peace, harmony, love, understanding, empathy, clarity, purity, unity, compassion, kindness and forgiveness. However, the Heart Centre is also the centre of emotions and feelings. In its symbolic image are two star-shaped, superimposed triangles. The tip of one triangle points upward, the tip of the other points down. When the energy of the Anahata Chakra flows up towards spiritual consciousness, our feelings are expressed as Bhakti, pure, Divine love and devotion. However, if our consciousness sinks down to the spheres of worldly passion, our emotions become confused and unbalanced. It is then that desire, jealousy, sadness and despair overwhelm us.
Anahata is the seat of Poesy. Concentration on this Chakra can develop one’s talent as an author or poet. Another power arising from Anahata Chakra is Sankalpa Shakti, the power to fulfil desires. When you wish for a desire to be fulfilled concentrate on it in your heart. The purer your Anahata Chakra, the more swiftly the wish will be fulfilled.
The animal designated to represent Anahata Chakra is the Antelope, which reminds us of attentiveness and alertness. The Divinities of this Chakra are Shiva and Parvati, representative of Consciousness and Nature. Both should unite in harmony in this Chakra.
More about Exercises and Meditations for Anahata Chakra read here.