Starting Position:
on the whole body
coordinated with the movement
3 times
Stand with legs wide apart. Inhaling raise both arms above the head and allow the wrists to relax so that the hands drop forwards. >Exhaling bend the upper body forward. >Breathing normally allow the upper body and arms to hang relaxed for a short while. >Inhaling raise the upper body and arms to horizontal. >Exhaling swing the upper body and arms down between the legs. Repeat the raising and swinging of the upper body and arms 10 times in rhythm with the breath. >Breathing normally allow the upper body and arms to hang relaxed for a while. >Inhaling slowly come upright and stretch the arms upwards. The hands fall forwards relaxed. >Exhaling return to starting position.
Stimulates the energy of the entire body, deepens the breath and stimulates blood circulation. Promotes flexibility of the back and hips.
Avoid this Asana with high blood pressure, a tendency to become dizzy or a slipped disc.
Asana is included in the following categories:
Asanas and Exercises to Relax the Back
Asanas and Exercises to Stimulate Circulation
Asanas and Exercises to Activate the Whole Body