Starting Position:
Meditation posture
on the process of breathing
10 rounds beginning with the left nostril and 10 rounds beginning with the right
Begin by concentrating on the breath for one minute. >Observe the inhalation and exhalation and turn the attention towards the flow of the breath in both nostrils. >Place the right hand in Pranayama Mudra. >Close the right nostril with the thumb and inhale deeply through the left nostril. >Open the right nostril again, at the same time closing the left nostril with the ring finger and exhale slowly and relaxed through the right nostril. >Inhale through the right nostril again and exhale through the left nostril. One round: inhale left - exhale right - inhale right - exhale left. After 10 rounds return the hand to the knee and concentrate for one minute on normal breathing. >Return to Pranayama Mudra and repeat the breath exercise beginning with the right nostril: inhale right - exhale left - inhale left - exhale right. After 10 rounds return the hand to the knee and concentrate for one minute on normal breathing and the rhythm of the heartbeat.
Nadi Shodhana purifies the blood and respiratory system. The deeper breathing enriches the blood with oxygen. This Pranayama strengthens the respiratory system and balances the nervous system. It helps to relieve nervousness and headaches.
This breathing technique is also known as Anuloma Viloma, or alternate nostril breathing.